VIZURA 2020 // The Time of Extremes Zagreb Photo Biennial Online
ULUPUH (Croatian Association of Artist of Applied Arts) Photography Section
Virtual Exhibition Opening on Croatian Photography Day on April 6, 2020, Monday
Photo curator and selector: Drazenka Jalsic Ernecic
Virtual exhibition setup: Janko Belaj
We live in a time of extremes, literally.
In some disaster movies, it would be too extreme. We live a pandemic coronavirus on a global scale, the earthquake in Zagreb, and the collapse of culture and economy, services reduced to basic needs and medical care.
Isolation… Togetherness… The despair… Support… Empathy… Reality… Simulacrum… Matrix… We took the red pill, and there is no return.
This time it is not a dystopia but reality.
We cannot stop the presence.
In the virtual world, we try to be supportive of each other.
There is no giving up on art and photography.
So, with the Dolores Ibarurri no pasaran (it won’t pass) quote, we announce the online exhibition ‘Vizura 2020 // The Time of Extremes.
The real physical exhibition has postponed for better times.
Great curators, editors, critics, and photographers work all together at this project. I am proud, honored and humble to work with all of them.
International jury:
Anita Ruso, Fedja Gavrilovic, Draženka Jalšić Ernečić and Laura Moya
Croatian photographers: Miroslav Arbutina-Arbe, Janko Belaj, Saša Ćetković, Marin Dražančić, Robert Gojevic, Damir Hoyka, Maja Hrnjak, Ivica Kis, Damir Klaic, Anto Magzan, Roman Martin, Miro Martinic, Alan Matuka, Ratko Mavar, Dag Oršić, Mario Periša, Petra Slobodnjak, Maja Strgar Kurecic, Sinisa Sunara, Igor Seler, Vladimir Simunic
American photographers: Yvette Marie Dostatni, Daniel Gonçalves, Karen Navarro, Barbara Peacock, Lori Pond, Michelle Rogers Pritzll, Nicolo Sertorio, Aline Smithson, Brandy Trigueros and Rick Wrigh
“Last year, when the photography section of ULUPUH (Croatian Association of Artist of Applied Arts) turned the direction of biennial juried membership exhibition and entered with the Vizura 2020 as a new concept, the first idea on the Time of Extremes was born. Extremes as a case were just an idea of access to contemporary art photography explored to increase the established course of Zagreb photo biennial. With a new curatorial approach curator and selector, Drazenka Jalsic Ernecic defined a new direction with the invited photographers and a four-member international jury. Beside curator, international jury members were Anita Ruso, editor-in-chief of the Arteist Portal for Culture, Arts and New Media, Fedja Gavrilovic, art critic, curator and editor of Kontura Art Magazine, and Laura Moya, well-known internationally recognized director of the Photolucida, a nonprofit platform based in Portland, Oregon (United States). Also, as notable guests of the biennial exhibition, ten invited professional photographers from the United States as part of the future global networking of the photographic community.”