
Disdéri | uspon i pad

Disdéri je upropastio fotografe koji se nisu prilagodili jeftinoj proizvodnji fotografija malog formata poznatom pod imenom Carte de Visite koju je on patentirao i proslavio. Fotografi umjetnici koji su sve sami radili u atelijeru i jako pazili kako bi trebao izgledat kvalitetan umjetnički portret nestali su sa scene jer su […]

Mjeseceve sjene u ambrotipiji | Legendfest 2015

Meni je stvaranje ambrotipije velika čarolija, a kad tome dodate fantastičnu čaroliju Mjesečevih sjena Zdenka Bašića dobit ćete TURBO ČAROLIJU | Legendfest 2015 Lukavec. Nakon skoro godinu dana čekanja, dječki su napokon montirali video 🙂

Félix Nadar

Je li fotografija umjetnost ili nije? Dilema o naravi fotografije prisutna je od njenih samih početaka, a diskusije traju i dan danas. Ako je fotografija ikad bila umjetnost bilo je to u jednom vrlo kratkom i specifičnom periodu na početku njene povijesti.

HRT | znate li sto je ambrotipija

“Starinski fotografski proces wet plate izumljen je 1851. Njime se ručno izrađuju unikatne fotografije na staklu, tzv. ambrotipije (unikatna fotografija na staklu). Danas je u svijetu svega petstotinjak aktivnih fotografa koji se bave ovim kompleksnim i definitivno umjetničkim poslom. Jedini aktivan u nas je Zagrepčanin Robert Gojević.

Robert Gojević’s Dracula video

Making off wet plate photography by Robert Gojević photographer: Robert Gojević video: Deyan Baric, Violete Šunić Makeup Artist: Marija Vrdoljak Hair style: Silvana Zdelar Costume designer: Viktorija Kulonja models: Fani Plosnić, Lana Petanić, Violeta Šunić & Deyan Barić music: Wojciech Kilar from movie Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” soundtrack © March.2015.


“All collodion images, negative or positive, should be varnished. The image bearing silver is on and very close to the surface on a collodion plate and very fragile…” Basic Collodion Technique: Ambrotype & Tintype by Mark Osterman & France Scully Osterman

James Weber

(Robert) | We live at times full of stress, with a chronic lack of free time, and at the same time we enjoy many benefits of technology, of which, digital photography is just one example brought to perfection. What attracted you to the wet plate collodion process, making you leave […]

Robert Kenney

ROBERT GOJEVIC | Tell us when and where you first encountered the collodion process. And how is the wet plate scene in Canada? ROBERT KENNEY | I started this journey about three years ago. I’m a big fan of Sally Mann’s work. She came out with a book entitled “Deep […]

Ian Ruhter

ROBERT | Holga wet plate looks very practical and fun to work with. Was it your idea or have you seen done elsewhere? What do you like most about working with the Holga? IAN | Yes the Holga plates are extremely fun to make. It was refreshing to not have […]

Alex Timmermans

ROBERT | When you look back and take into account your experience in the collodion process, what advice would you give to a beginner who is just entering the world of wet plate? ALEX | In the past few years I have seen many people starting extremely excited with this […]

France Scully Osterman

ROBERT | You jointly established Scully & Osterman Studio at your home in 1991, and you continue to run it. What was its role at the beginning, and has that role changed? FRANCE | Mark and I first established the business before we were married, while living in Bucks County, […]

Mark Osterman

ROBERT | Mark, you are the Photographic Process Historian at the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film. In your job, you researched and then recreated the evolution of photographic processes based on original writings and examples from the museum, and later taught these processes to the general […]

Blur Photo 011

BLUR PHOTO 011: Atraktivna i velika međunarodna foto izložba u Zagrebu, u galeriji Hrvatske pošte sa zanimljivim fotografijama objavljenim u Bluru tokom 2010 godine. Izložba je bila uspješna i dobro posječena… *** BLUR magazine je međunarodni e-časopis posvećen kreativnoj fotografiji koji se izdaje u Hrvatskoj. Kroz svoj dosadašnji četverogodišnji rad, […]