Salon fotografije Vinkovci 2016. – Rezultati | Temeljem natječaja Fotokluba Vinkovci, za prijem fotografija na Salon fotografije Vinkovci 2016., selektor Salona Boris Cvjetanović je za izložbu, od pristiglih 890 fotografija od 96 autora, odabrao 103 fotografije od 9 autora. Najuspješnijim autorima dodijeljene su tri nagrade (prva, druga i treća) i […]
Tag Archives: nagrade
We inform you that opening ceremony and giving awards of 37. Zagreb Salon will be held on 9.11.2016 at 7:00 PM at Museum Mimara (Rooseveltov trg 5, Zagreb). You won a prize, so we kindly ask you to confirm if you will be able to come to the ceremony. Hope […]
Announcing Winners of the Rovinj Photodays festival 2016 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas and Kristina Juraitѐ, this year’s head selectors, had only praise for each of this year’s finalist. They judged the work to be exceptional and it was quite challenging to pick the finest 20. It is worth mentioning that amongst […]